A LYB não oferece apenas um portfólio rico e diversificado de materiais. Também temos um profundo conhecimento do mercado que ajuda nossos clientes a ter sucesso. Conheça nosso portfólio completo.
Everyday adventure
Be it luggage, golf carts, coolers or snowshoes – the versatility and performance of LYB polymers enable innovative designs that enhance durability, functionality and aesthetic appeal – no matter the purpose or setting.
Led by lightweight, corrosion resistant, flame resistant, high-impact materials and more.
From on-the-go convenience and freshness to brand identity and protection – the versatility and performance of LYB resins enable innovative packaging solutions that cater to a wide range of needs - extending shelf life.
Backed by custom colors, special effects and other processing additives.
Whether it’s greenhouse films, mulch films, agrotextiles or heavy agricultural equipment like tractors and combines – the versatility and performance of LYB polymers enable innovative solutions that cultivate efficiency and optimize plant growth – from the field to your table.
Marked by performance, custom aesthetics and weatherability and more.
No matter if it’s charging infrastructure, EV battery components, bumpers, instrument panels, interior trims, under-the-hood applications or structural parts and body panels – the versatility and economics of LYB polymers create innovative design concepts that enhance passenger safety, comfort and quality.
Integrated with light weight materials, wide temperature ranges, custom colors and more – to enhance all drives.
From the pipes that deliver fresh water to roofing materials that improve energy efficiency and infrastructure supporting roads and power supplies, LYB polymers offer versatile and innovative solutions that strengthen and sustain our communities.
Equipped by flame-retardant compounds, a variety of base resins and more – to build a better tomorrow.